Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring Break is Over

Well, it's over for Bri and Kristina anyway. I know for many it's just beginning, or is still a couple of weeks away. We got around to a lot of places in the few days that they were here. Most of them I've already blogged about so I won't recap those places again.

Rich was able to set up a Friends and Family Tour at the Pentagon for us. My brother Tony was in town on business and he joined us. It was pretty interesting. Each corridor has a theme and there are flags, photographs and artwork having to do with the theme. I'm sure that not all of the corridors are themed and decorated, but put it all together and it would still be a good sized museum. Obviously, I don't have any pictures. We weren't even allowed to look at our cell phones while on tour.

I finally made it to the FDR Memorial. It's very different from what I thought it would be. When we went, none of the water features were on, so I hope to make it back on a clear, sunny day when the fountains are operational. Here are a few pics:

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