UFO Challenge List

Some of the things on my list are things to finish. But others are simply to complete the next step. If the mood strikes, I’ll finish it. If not, I’ve made progress.

1. Quilt & Bind Applique Sampler

2. Q&B Hot Flashes

3. Q&B Christmas Joy

4. Q&B SBS 2006 block swap (need backing fabric? not sure. have to check)

5. Q&B Quilts Ole 2008 Saturday Sampler (need backing fabric)

6. Finish Rainbow Garden wallhanging (just needs a little applique and then quilt and bind)

7. Assemble Harvest Home top

8. Put borders on Ramblin' Rose top

9. Finish Quilt Works 2008 BOM top (blocks are done, need to piece sashing and borders and assemble)

10. Borders on Thru Grandmother's Window  (small narrow pieced border, and then larger border)

11. Assemble SBS 2007 (blue and white) block swap blocks

12. Finish the setting units for Quilt Works 2008 Saturday Sampler