Monday, September 22, 2008


On Saturday we went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival.

We saw some great acts! Hilby, the Skinny German Juggle Boy is a comedian/juggler/unicycler/etc. He's a riot. Here's a picture of him juggling five balls. He also juggled a plunger, bowling pin and machete while riding a 6ft high unicycle. Worked into his act was a lot of local humor. He really was hilarious.

The London Broil  is an improv juggling/comedy troupe with three guys who've been performing together since high school. They were so funny and the juggling was amazing. I can't even imagine the hours spent practicing to be able to do the things they did. In the picture they are juggling machetes and "weapons of their own making" (circular saw blades lashed onto dowels of some sort) while balancing on a plank on top of a cylinder on top of wooden benches. Hard to tell from the picture, but they were passing the weapons to each other.

We also saw Johnny Fox (sword swallower/magician), Hack and Slash (improv comedy/swashbuckling swordplay) and Hypnotist Bob. I didn't get good pics of these, but they were all extremely entertaining.

We also went to see the joust. You have to have a joust at a renaissance festival, right? I didn't stay for all of it. It was a little too scripted and choreographed. Disappointing. The arena really wasn't large enough for a good joust either.

Other than that, we had a great time. This is definitely one of the better renaissance festivals I've attended. I told Rich that if we lived here permanently, we'd have to come every year and wear our own costumes. You should have seen that sigh of relief!


  1. Festivals are awesome.

    Was there any commentary at the joust about what might "make the grass grow"?

  2. If there was, it came after I left. But we know what it is, don't we!

    This festival didn't have the royals process in. So, no boys were asked to be part of the king's court. Too bad. You and Marcus had so much fun with that. Ahhh, memories.
