Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Now They're Really All Done

One of the biggest challenges for me when working on a project is choosing the fabrics. I've gotten a little better since I first started quilting, but I still make some bad choices now and again. One of them was with this block:

I don't know what I was thinking, but I just did not like the leaves that come out from behind the tulips. I set the block aside and finished all of the others, and still did not like it. Since those pieces are behind the tulips, I didn't want to take everything apart to fix it, so I chose a different fabric and appliquéd it on top. Now, the block looks like this:

It's hard to tell that this is the same block since the block looks different due to the lighting. I do like it better. The new leaves might be just a tad too bright and too "teal" for the blue center, but I like it better than before. It may still not be perfect, but I can at least live with it now.

Here are all of my Thru Grandmother's Window blocks. You'd never know that the backgrounds are from the same fabric since the pictures were taken at different times with different lighting, but they are. Maybe at some point I'll take new pics all at the same time.

Now, I need to start working on how I'm going to sash these.

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